Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, our lives have been disrupted and although it has been a difficult time, we should not allow it to dampen our spirits and the mental well-being of our loved ones and the community.
Following the success of Myanmar’s Bagan Run in 2019 and the 2020 Virtual International Friendship Race in the midst of the pandemic, The RVi Group is back to organize “My H.E.R.O. Mindset – Step Challenge” to energize and motivate our staff, students, alumni, partners and their families to stay healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle with a H.E.R.O. mindset. We also hope that this event would enhance our friendships with our partners and friends during this challenging period.
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The H.E.R.O. mindset is about being aware of and focusing on how being positive is important, not just for our mental health but to help us strive and achieve our goals in life, both personally and professionally.
The H.E.R.O. mindset helps us to emphasize on:
  • HOPE in order to build motivational and goal-engaged energy
  • To apply ENERGY to a set goal and detail the necessary tasks to achieve it.
  • To build RESILIENCE and let stress work for us instead of working against us.
  • To have OPTIMISM and anticipate the best possible outcome.

My H.E.R.O Mindset – Step Challenge

This is the first part of a series of programmes planned under the main theme “My H.E.R.O Mindset – Step Challenge”, and a number of programmes and events, including virtual information talks by partner institutions, would be held over the next year.